Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I want a White Castle! I want it right now. I won't get one, because as far as I know, there aren't any White Castles outside of a few states in the midwest. This company is selfish, selfish. They are ignoring all the people who grew up with those tasty little morsels and then had the audacity to move west, where the sun shines.

If you contact the White Castle people at their headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, I'm sure they would tell you that you can get frozen White Castles in a box, in the freezer at your neighborhood market. What a laugh! Everybody knows that a frozen White Castle heated in the microwave can never taste like the real thing. A real White Castle has to purchased where the lovely smell of beef and pickle and onions comes up from a vent in the sidewalk, usually on a cold and damp day. As any affionado knows, a White Castle is slightly damp, because it is all steamed-- bun, meat and fine onion, all together. It's just the size of the palm of your hand, if you have a small hand. Two are not enough, and four are not too many. In my youth, there was coupon in the Sunday paper and you could get a whole bag for a quarter! what heaven that was.

From what I can tell, White Castle is privately owned and has no franchises. Its probably easy to manage, but they have a ethical obligation to serve those of us who are hooked. Come on, White Castle - loosen up. Lets write, picket, petition this unfeeling company. We want White Castles- the real thing.



At March 5, 2008 at 9:18 AM , Blogger francesellenspeaks.com said...

Guess what made my town's White Castle better than all the rest? It was right across the street from an amusement park. Sad to say, both are gone now.

At March 12, 2008 at 5:32 PM , Blogger Beverly said...

Do they have Kristles in your town? They taste just like White Castles.

At March 20, 2008 at 8:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My late husband used to pick at his dinner some nights, after I'd spent a lot of time preparing it. On those nights, I'd always find an empty sack from White Castle on the floor of the car. poor man, he just couldn't resist on the way home!!


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